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About Me

Hi! My name is Lilly Schramm, I am a 19 year-old girl from Germany. I am programming for ~9 years and am currently in my third year of apprenticeship @Schaeffler Digital Solutions. This is my little personal website where I show of some of the stuff I do. Have fun looking around.

I program mainly for myself with the purpose to further educate myself or to solve a private problem. But maybe someone else can take benefit from my tools and services.


I love collecting manga. But I have alway had the problem that I had no real way to share my collection with friends. All available services would require me to enter hundreds of ISBNs by hand, are behind a paywall and/or just very unpleasant to use.

Long story short: I decided to create Booklify to fill a niche.

I improve upon these mentioned problems by providing a responsive, simple and intuitive web UI on one hand, and providing a mobile scanner app on the other.

One very hard challenge turned out to be the core feature: Getting book information from just the ISBN. To solve this issue I scrape multiple sources and combine the results to get the best possible outcome.

Another one is to group the books into series. This is done by comparing the books via heuristics which aim to find similarities between the items.

The processes are very complex and, due to both being based on heuristics, not perfect. But I am constantly working on improving them. And I am very happy with the current state of the project.

Booklify is my main project and I am constantly working on adding new features and refining old ones. The current version is: v1.0.2

WebsiteMy CollectionRepository


TwitterDB was one of my statistics projects. The goal was to use the "Sampled Stream" endpoint provided by the Twitter API to search a live, continuous sample of all published tweets by tags and hashtags, and track their occurrence over the course of an hour. This data can then be publicly accessed via API or displayed on the website.

Sadly due to the changes that Elon Musk made to the pricing and usage model of the API, it is no longer viable to keep this project running. Which means that all data has been frozen to the point it was on 01.04.2023. And will stay like this indefinitely.

Nonetheless - this project was a major success for me, and a great trial in the areas of availability and infrastructure. In the time it has been running more than 1.8 Billion Tweets where processed and the usage history of a combined 116 Million Tags and Hashtags was tracked.


Supporting a free internet

I firmly believe in the idea of a free and open internet. An internet which is not controlled by a few corporations, but by the people. An internet which cannot be censored or manipulated by a single entity. This is why I am using my own server infrastructure to host several services which strive to support this idea.

Tor Relay

I am running a Tor relay to help people in censored countries to access the internet.



YaCy is a decentralized, peer-to-peer search engine. I am running a YaCy node to help index the web and make it searchable.



Lilly Schramm

lilly@cdev.nexus (PGP)

Address and tel. upon request